Welcome to

The CareAsOne Community

A one-stop community for healthcare professionals to connect with like-minded peers on the go.
We are committed to building a comprehensive networking and knowledge-sharing platform where credible healthcare information is available to healthcare professionals in a centralized manner to grow together and truly “CareAsOne.”
CareAsOne is committed to providing a unique virtual collaborative experience for healthcare professionals to come together to exchange information about U.S. healthcare through collaboration, conversation and knowledge-sharing.
CareAsOne is led by our conveners, with a board of trusted advisors to act as the guiding light. Our working committee and moderators ensure that the platform stays true to its purpose as users engage with the community.

Message from Our Conveners

Any society is only as prosperous as the quality of healthcare services available for its people. As the flag-bearers of wellness and community health, it is critical for healthcare professionals to stay updated with the latest research, best practices, and health-related news. The healthcare world is constantly inundated with new regulations and technologies, and therefore we must continue to diligently engage in meaningful conversations that better define the path forward for all industry stakeholders. Welcome to CareAsOne, a unique platform for passionate healthcare professionals to engage in dialogue with like-minded colleagues. Read more

CareAsOne is carefully curated to provide healthcare industry stakeholders a platform to engage in conversations that matter. It offers an environment that fosters collaboration and breeds innovation, indeed, this is the driving force behind the creation of the CareAsOne platform.

I encourage you to share ideas, engage in discussion, ask questions, and use the community to stay informed on the latest news and innovations in healthcare. I also urge healthcare experts and thought leaders to share your valuable insights with other contributors and members.

Together, let’s make the concept of connected healthcare a reality.
Founding President of the Primary Care Collaborative (PCC)
With a renewed focus on the democratization of data, we are moving towards an era of a more holistic healthcare delivery process. Healthcare is becoming more collaborative and digital than ever before, and we need a virtual and collaboration-driven environment to stay updated and have conversations on the latest developments.

CareAsOne stays true to that ideology and brings together healthcare professionals from all spheres to align with the changing dynamics of healthcare. Read more

The objective behind CareAsOne is to create a network that facilitates engagement, education, and alliance through powerful dissemination of healthcare information. This venue will also enable users to create as well as decipher emerging trends to solve problems that matter in healthcare.

I invite all of you to initiate discussions, network, and bring your innovative thoughts to light here. As I welcome you all to the CareAsOne network, I am confident that insights and thoughts shared by each contributor will take us a step forward in building a connected care ecosystem.

Together, let’s make the concept of connected healthcare a reality.
Abhinav Shashank
Chief Executive Officer at Innovaccer